Across the country gas prices have dropped immensely since their national average peak at close to four dollars per gallon. Now that our wallets are finally seeing signs of relief at the pump, wouldn't you like to help your vehicle obtain even better gas mileage and allow for even more money in your wallet? It might sound impossible, but we have some helpful tips. This little guide will give you an unfair advantage when it comes to increasing your MPG. -If at all possible, avoid rush hour traffic. Not only do you save yourself a headache, but stop and go driving it also is bad for your car's MPG.

-If you don’t have to drive, then keep your car parked at home. Instead of taking your car to the convenient store that is only a few blocks away, why not try taking your bike or walking? These little trips can add up over the course of the year which means less gas for you.

-When driving is a must be sure to minimize the time you sit idle. There are plenty of situations that there is no other choice then to leave your car idle; however there are plenty of situations where you could simply just turn your vehicle off. If you’re car is running and you’re not moving, your gas mileage has dropped to zero mpg. It takes about ten seconds worth of idling to use as much gasoline as it would to restart your car. So, if you’re going to be parked with your blinkers on for a minute or two, it’s best to shut the car off.

-Once you get moving, make sure to use steady and sensible acceleration. A heavy foot means you’re going to get worse gas mileage, too slow also can take away from the gas efficiency of your vehicle. Accelerating too slowly can bog down the engine.

-When driving do your best to stay at or near the speed limit. The optimal speed for gas mileage is going to differ by year, make, model and features. Generally speaking, the faster you go, especially at highway speeds the worse gas mileage you will get from your vehicle. According to, driving over the speed limit at highway speeds will reduce your vehicle’s gas mileage between seven and twenty-three percent.

-When driving, keep your eyes on the road ahead and coast whenever possible. By constantly tapping your brakes or accelerating additional fuel is being wasted. So stop speeding to stoplights or stop signs and keep a safe distance behind cars ahead of you. If you give yourself plenty of room between the cars in front of you, you should have no problem seeing what the conditions are like ahead of you, which will allow you to do plenty of coasting and help you avoid brake tapping and needless accelerating.

-Make the effort to keep your car aerodynamic. Aerodynamic vehicles create less drag, which is better for your MPG. Do your best to drive with your windows up and your sunroofs closed.

- Check your tire pressure on a regular basis. Underinflated tires will reduce your car’s gas efficiency by as little as two to three percent or as much as fifteen perfect. Another great reason to keep track of your tire pressure regularly is to increase the life of your tire. Underinflated tires may reduce your tire life by ten percent or more. more.

-Replace that old and dirty air filter. Generally it is a good idea to have your engine’s air filter checked at each oil change. Driving around with a clogged or dirty air filter can reduce your vehicle’s MPG up to ten percent.

-Clean out all that unnecessary junk your trunk or backseat has accumulated. Get all of the useless and items out of your car. Some research suggests that every extra 100 pounds you carry around in your car, you reduce its gas mileage by one to two percent.

-When the pump stops pumping it means your tank is full. There is no need to squeeze those extra cents or dollar into your tank. Additional gas is just going to splash around or leak out. After you finish pumping remember to tighten up your gas cap. If you give evaporated gas a chance to escape, it must certainly will.

-If you have a garage use it, and I don’t mean for junk storage. Clear out the garbage and pull your vehicle in. Parking in your garage will help your car stay warm in winter and cool in summer. This means you can stop wasting as much gas on air conditioning in the summer and defrosting windows in the winter.

-Keep your engine in tune. Be sure to give your car the regular tune-ups it needs. Worn out spark plugs are big gas eaters. A misfiring spark plug can reduce a car's fuel efficiency by as much as 30 percent. Don't skimp on your cars maintenance. Your car's performance depends on it.